With a Haynes manual, you can do it yourself...from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the motorcycle. We learn the best ways to do a job and that makes it quicker, easier and cheaper for you. Our books have clear instructions and plenty of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you can save big with Haynes! Complete coverage for your 1994 thru 2001 Ducati 748, 916 & 996 V-Twins (excluding 748R and 996R models): --Routine Maintenance and servicing --Tune-up procedures --Engine, clutch and transmission repair --Cooling system --Fuel and exhaust --Ignition and electrical systems --Brakes, wheels and tires --Steering, suspension and final drive --Frame and bodywork --Wiring diagrams --Reference Section Product details Format ...
A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax introduces and abridges the syntactical features of the original language of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. An intermediate-level reference grammar for Biblical Hebrew, it assumes an understanding of elementary phonology and morphology, and it defines and illustrates the fundamental syntactical features of Biblical Hebrew that most intermediate-level readers struggle to master. The volume divides Biblical Hebrew syntax and morphology into four parts. The first three cover the individual words (nouns, verbs, and particles) with the goal of helping the reader move from morphological and syntactical observations to meaning and significance. The fourth section moves beyond phrase-level phenomena and considers the larger relationships of clauses and sentences. Since publication of the first edition, research on Biblical Hebrew syntax has substantially evolved. This new edition incorporates these developments through detailed descriptions of grammatical phe...