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Based on the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, this unique and comprehensive resource--the first in a series of three volumes--provides resources for an entire year of sermons and offers practical help to preachers and others involved using the Revised Common Lectionary. Beginning with Advent, it deals with the texts for Year B. Each of the four texts--the Old Testament, Psalter, Gospel, and Epistle--are treated in relation to each Sunday and important festival day, including Christmas, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday. A brief introduction gives the general thrust of the texts and the relationship among them with emphasis upon interpretation of the texts. Suggestions concerning the implications for life today are also included.
Product details
- Paperback | 615 pages
- 152 x 229 x 32mm | 826.45g
- 07 Feb 2014
- Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S.
- Louisville, United States
- English
- 066423917X
- 9780664239176
- 770,615
Download Texts for Preaching, Year B : A Lectionary Commentary Based on the NRSV (9780664239176).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.
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