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These proceedings will be of interest to scientists and researchers dealing with laser applications generally, and those in the fields of both environmental applications of lasers and biomedical applications of lasers. Additionally, these proceedings will be of interest to ophthalmologists and dermatologists. This conference was focusing on the environmental and biomedical applications of lasers. Among the environmental applications subjects such as laser cleaning of archaeological objects , preparation of nanoparticles for environmental tasks, and follow up of phytoremediation adopting laser spectrochemical analytical techniques have been presented. Biomedically authors dealt with photodynamic therapy (PDT), Femtosecond and Picosecond Laser Ablation of Intraocular Lenses, low intensity laser therapy (LILT) in physiotherapy, exploiting laser fluorescence for diagnosis.
Product details
- Paperback | 121 pages
- 215.65 x 280.67 x 6.35mm | 254.01g
- 15 Dec 2011
- American Institute of Physics
- New York, United States
- English
- 2011 ed.
- Illustrations
- 0735409404
- 9780735409408
Download The 8th International Conference on Laser Applications - ICLA 2011 (9780735409408).pdf, available at prealblog.org for free.
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