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An introduction to early childhood education, detailing the various approaches to curriculum, theories of play, and the principles and philosophy of Aistear and Siolta in providing for the holistic development of the child.
Written for the Level 5 Early Childhood Education and Play (5N1773) and Approaches to Early Childhood Education (5N1763) modules, as awarded by QQI.
Outlines the various types, stages, patterns and purposes of play, including a child-led approach to play.
Explores the role of the adult in nurturing and developing the child's learning experience in the ECCE setting.
Introduces the elements of the ECCE environment, both indoors and outdoors, and their effects on the child's development.
Describes and evaluates the core concepts, philosophies and programmes of Montessori, Froebel and Steiner's early childhood education approaches.
The mandatory components of the Early Childhood Care and Education major QQI award (5M2009):
Level 5 Early Childhood Education and Play (5N1773)
And the elective component:
Level 5 Approaches to Early Childhood Education (5N1763)
Product details
- Paperback | 208 pages
- 190 x 247 x 10mm | 539g
- 03 May 2013
- Gill
- Gill Education
- Dublin, Ireland
- English
- New.
- 0717157164
- 9780717157167
- 101,748
Download Early Childhood Education & Play (9780717157167).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.
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