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In the recent history of philosophy few works have appeared which favorably portray Idealism as a plausible philosophical view of the world. Considerably less has been written about Idealism as a viable framework for doing theology. While the most recent and significant works on Idealism, composed by the late John Foster (Case for Idealism and A World for Us: The Case for Phenomenological Idealism), have put this theory back on the philosophical map, no such attempt has been made to re-introduce Idealism to contemporary Christian theology. Idealism and Christian Theology is such a work, retrieving ideas and arguments from its most significant modern exponents (especially George Berkeley and Jonathan Edwards) in order to assess its value for present and future theological construction. As a piece of constructive philosophical-theology itself, this volume considers the explanatory power an Idealist ontology has for contemporary Christian theology.
Product details
- Paperback | 256 pages
- 152.4 x 228.6 x 13.72mm | 349g
- 24 Aug 2017
- Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
- Bloomsbury Academic USA
- New York, United States
- English
- 1501335855
- 9781501335853
- 1,908,474
Download Idealism and Christian Theology : Idealism and Christianity Volume 1 (9781501335853).pdf, available at yazminmonetwatkins.com for free.
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